Grade 9

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Dear Teachers, Assalamu Alaikum!

If you wish to share your work here, you can email as attachments to:

muqeet (dot) islamiceducation @ gmail (dot) com

Jazakumullaahu Khayra for the generous sharing!

1. Innovative & Critical Thinking Activities:

2. Practice Book & Differentiated Booklet:

  • Grade 9: PDF and .doc file by Tr. Junaid Sulaiman and Team

3. Class PPTs, Worksheets & Textbook Exercises:


UNIT 2: 





4. Lesson Plans:

5. Hifdh Portion:

34 thoughts on “Grade 9

  1. can you please share the answers for Surat Al-Waqi’ah 57-74 and A Muslim’s right on his brother?

  2. Assalamualaikum Brother…..Can you please show me the first book of Islamic Education- class 9? Please send it as soon as possible. Jazakallah Khayran

  3. Assalamu Alaikum, can anyone furnish the text book notes of. The Prophet’s Method of Educating a Generation . Jazaa kallah

  4. Blind Imitation PPT answers are not there and also before there used to be an entire textbook grade 9 with the correct answers cant find it also please provide the link to it all .

  5. Hi, For Practice book 9 where is the class book or resources? The practice book is great but to use it would be beneficial to have the rest. Please advise. Thanks

  6. Pls share proper answers for the seven destructive sins tb excersices I have exam the file which is posted it is not opening plsss

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