Say ‘No To Bullying’!


It is a matter of concern that bullying has become a norm in schools nowadays, and UAE is not an exception to this growing menace. Shocking Survey

Islam is against bullying of any sort.  It is abusive, harmful, has long-term repercussions and undoubtedly a human right violation.

Neither be a bully nor tolerate being bullied. Say NO TO BULLYING.

Parents Guide on Anti-Bullying


Credit: Poster 1:  Poster 2: American School of Creative Science.

NOTE: I request teachers and parents reading this post to please take a colour printout of this poster and paste/stick/display it at a prominent place in your school/home, InshaaAllah)

Baarakallaahu Feekum. 

4 thoughts on “Say ‘No To Bullying’!

  1. Assalamu alykum Brother,

    I’d like to ask for your help in preparing placement Test for year 7,8,9,10,11,12

    Jazak Allah khyran

    Kind Regards


    Sent from Windows Mail

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